February Update

10 Feb 2016 by Craig


• Our winter season is about to come to an end. Many of our boys will represent their school for the next few months. Good luck to all of you in your time away from Fury. But do not worry we will be working hard planning our summer and beyond.
• Fury is hosting two grade school jamborees. The first of 5/6 graders will be March 4th at MAVA. The second will be for 7/8 graders and on March 18th at MAVA. We will be providing information about Fury to any families interested and will be asking for help on these dates. Parents of grade school players please pass this information along to your coaches and tell them to get in touch with me.
• We will get our teams back together in late April. We are offering a summer development program for any new boys interested in Fury. These summer development teams will be for the following ages, 12s, 14s and 16s.
• One of the things we have talked about is a major fundraiser for the club. We are moving forward with a golf scramble, our tentative date is Sunday May 22nd. Information is coming.
• We have dates for our UA Skills camp, those dates are July 29-31. We are finalizing the list of current and former college players.
• January Tournament highlights, MAVA Kickoff: 18s division champions Fury 18 Orange, 14s champion Fury 14 Orange, 12s champion Fury 12 Orange. Boys Winter Championship: Fury 15 Orange finished 12th, Fury 14 Orange finished 9th. OVR Winterfest 16s division, Fury 15 Orange 2nd place, Fury 16 Orange, Bronze champions.

Upcoming events:
February 12-15​​Gateway Festival​​​St. Louis, MO
February 14th​​​Bluegrass Power League 12s ​​Louisville Area
February 20-21​​MAVA Club Challenge​​​Louisville Area